AVTpro Certification Exams Now Available Year Round

In the fast-paced world of media localization, standing out as a highly skilled professional is more important than ever. The AVTpro certification program, the first-ever professional certification in media localization, endorsed by both academia and industry, offers an unparalleled opportunity for audiovisual translators to showcase their expertise. And now, with exams available all year round, there’s no better time to take your career to the next level. 

Pioneering Media Localization Certification 

Launched in 2023, AVTpro stands as a testament to the joint commitment of various industry players to address the talent recruitment needs of the sector and marks a milestone in the industry's evolution as the first-ever professional certification in the field. Spearheaded by OOONA and supported by nine prominent media localizers, AVTpro has been made possible through their financial backing and the provision of the very platform on which the certification operates.   

Leading the charge is esteemed Prof. Jorge Díaz-Cintas, from University College London, whose guidance has been instrumental in shaping the design, development, and implementation of AVTpro. The realization of this project, however, owes much to the tireless efforts and dedication of a diverse team of over 50 seasoned translation professionals, researchers, and academics, with more coming aboard with each new language combination. Aside from endorsing the certification, these individuals have played a pivotal role in refining its design, drafting the various style guides integral to the process, and creating the necessary testing materials for its smooth operation.  To keep the certification’s integrity, all exams are marked anonymously and independently by at least two professional translators with years of experience in the localization industry, who produce reports on candidates' performance.  

Key Benefits of the AVTpro Certification 

The AVTpro certification program is on a course to become the benchmark of media localization skills and expertise, providing several benefits for all stakeholders: 

  1. Industry Recognition: AVTpro certification is growing in recognition across the media localization sector. Employers value the certification as a mark of quality, ensuring that certified professionals meet high standards of accuracy, proficiency, and technological ‘know-how.’ 

  1. Career Advancement: Certified translators could find more opportunities for career advancement and higher compensation. The AVTpro Certified Seal adds significant value to a professional’s portfolio, making them more attractive to potential employers. 

  1. A Stamp of Excellence: The certification process covers essential aspects of subtitling and translation for the media, from basic principles to advanced techniques. This ensures that professionals are not simply competent but thoroughly prepared to excel in their roles. 

Language Coverage and Year-Round Exam Availability: A Game Changer 

There have been two recent notable developments in the AVTpro certification program.

The first is the expanded language coverage in which the certifications are offered. Both the AVTpro Subtitle Translation and the AVTpro Subtitle Creation exams are already available from English into 12 different languages, namely:  French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Castilian and Latin American), Swedish and Turkish.  Chinese (Simplified) will be added and introduced in the near future.  

The second development is the new year-round exam availability. Previously, candidates had to wait for specific periods to take their exams, which could delay their certification and career progression. Now, with the flexibility to schedule exams at any time, professionals can plan their certification around their personal and professional commitments. 

Both changes demonstrate AVTPro’s commitment to making the certification accessible and convenient. "Our vision is to provide certification into as many languages as the industry operates in,” says Wayne Garb, founder and CEO of OOONA, the pioneering company behind this initiative. For those looking to advance their career quickly or fit certification into a busy schedule, the year-round exam availability provides unparalleled flexibility.

Available Certifications 

AVTpro certifications currently include the following modules:  

  • The AVTpro Subtitling Basics exam is designed to test linguistic and cultural knowledge as well as the basics of subtitling practice through a series of automated tasks.

    This module is a prerequisite to be able to sit for the AVTpro Subtitle Translation and/or the AVTpro Subtitle Creation certifications. It serves the purpose of creating a funnel for candidates who have the potential to succeed in the advanced requirements of these two certifications.

  • The AVTpro Subtitle Translation exam tests translation skills when creating subtitles in the target languages from a template containing predefined subtitles in the language of the original production while adhering to the style guide provided in the various languages.

  • The AVTpro Subtitle Creation exam is designed to assess a candidate’s ability to produce subtitles from scratch, by testing the quality of the spotting and translation of a selection of short scenes from several types of content following the style guide provided. 

All those passing any of the two certifications above receive an official AVTpro certificate along with the right to use the AVTpro certified seal. 

Who Should Consider the AVTpro Certification? 

  • Professional translators already working in media localization: AVTpro certification makes for a valuable addition to their qualifications. 

  • Aspiring subtitlers new to the field of subtitling will benefit from the validation of their skills that the AVTpro certification provides. 

  • Language service providers hiring AVTpro-certified professionals can rest assured that their teams meet high industry standards, leading to better quality work and increased client satisfaction. 

“The AVTpro certification exam is an industry standard of quality and competence for translators working in media localization. As certified professionals, they will hopefully be able to command better contracts, charge higher rates, and approach negotiations with higher confidence.” 

Agnieszka Szarkowska

Professor of Translation, AVTpro Team 

The AVTpro certification is more than just a credential; it is a testament to professionals’ skills, dedication, and commitment to excellence in media localization. With exams now available all year round, achieving this prestigious certification is more accessible than ever. Don’t wait for the right moment – create it. Enhance your career, open new doors, and join the ranks of AVTpro-certified professionals today. 

For more information and to start your certification journey, visit the AVTpro website


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